Kindles are Lifesavers

Seeds of thought, kernels of ideas, flowers & weeds
Why honey can be everlasting https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-science-behind-honeys-eternal-shelf-life-1218690/
September has so far witnessed a gentle descent into autumn. This past Friday our lawn was cut for possibly (hopefully!) the last time this year. The following day was a gloriously hot summer-like day, which found me in the somewhat odd juxtaposition of sitting on a sun lounger with leaves dropping down on me. The day after I woke up to find the weather back to a seasonal norm, and the lawn hidden from view by a blanket of fallen leaves.
Later that morning, during Monty’s morning constitutional, I looked up through an ever sparser tree canopy and had my first sighting of geese flying south.
Winter is coming.
Note to self: 2019 winner of the Arthur C. Clarke award is to be announced today, 19th July. View the site @ https://clarkeaward.com/